The Next Chapter

Stories about menopause, from women, for women.

Download The Next Chapter book now!

Available in English, Spanish, Portuguese and Chinese.

The Next Chapter: Breaking the silence that surrounds menopause.

There are some things we still don’t talk about – and menopause is one of them. All women go through it at some stage in their lives, and yet a confusing silence persists around it.

Abbott’s The Next Chapter initiative is all about breaking that silence. We need to start normalizing the conversation around menopause so that each and every woman can fully embrace this next chapter in their lives.

Explore the impact of menopause through stories of other women!

couple hloding hands


Caucasian woman standing in tall grass

Aging and Beauty

Enthusiastic woman swinging


woman working on a computer


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It will take many voices to help break the silence that surrounds menopause.

Do you want to help other women be more prepared for menopause?

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Be inspired: Here is what women said in The Next Chapter

Riya, 60 – Kolkata, India
“I feel like menopause is something only women who have gone through it truly understand.”
Li Jing, 52 – Beijing, China
“I wish I’d known what to expect, but menopause isn’t something that people talk about. I will definitely make sure my daughter is prepared when the time comes – and I’ll be there to help her through it”
Beatriz, 54 – Fortaleza, Brazil
“There’s so much prejudice around menopause, that we come to see it as something negative rather than what it is: an essential life phase like any other. I’ve tried to live well and embrace it”
Jessica, 51 – Mexico City, Mexico
“If 51% of the world’s population goes through menopause, why is it such a taboo? I think about this more and more. Who decided that it was uncomfortable to talk about a process that all women go through? Hopefully, this silence will soon end”

Get informed: Articles & resources about menopause

Менопауза: Навіщо про неї говорити?

На жіноче здоров’я, як і раніше, впливають багато заборонених тем, таких як менопауза. Дізнайтеся, чому вам не слід приховувати цю фізіологічну зміну від оточуючих.